[Apartamento Magazine is a cool dynamic magazine using a variety of multimedia tools to tell a story from several angles. The design of the magazine has inspired my way of building a documentary site through which I seek to bring in the environment and general ambiance of the colonial ecologies I explore.]
See also: Kaiama Glover
[This journal I consider a kindred spirit, on their website they write: “the Internet is analogous in important ways to the Caribbean itself as a dynamic and fluid cultural space: it is generated from disparate places and by disparate peoples; it challenges fundamentally the geographical and physical barriers that disrupt or disallow connection; and it places others and elsewheres in relentless relation. Yet while we celebrate these opportunities for connectedness, we also must make certain that our work in the digital realm undermines and confronts rather than re-inscribes forms of silencing and exclusion in the Caribbean.”]
See also: Daniela Agostinho
[Archival Encounters is a sister research project which in their own words is “dedicated to thinking about the cultural, ethical and political effects of digitising colonial archives. The project investigates the limitations and possibilities of knowing with and beyond the colonial archive, and seeks to cultivate modalities of engagement with colonial archives that address the gaps elicited by digitisation.”]
Centre for the Study of the Literatures and Cultures of Slavery
See also: Mads Anders Baggesgaard
[A newly established center for the study of literatures and cultures of slavery at Aarhus University. In their own words: “The centre has three main areas of inquiry: 1) The relationship between slavery and cultural production in the colonial world. The manufacture, circulation and reception of these products in the colonial world and the cultural expressions of the schism between the establishment of ‘universal’ rights in Europe and ongoing colonial slavery. 2) The processing of the memory and inheritance of slavery in its different forms in contemporary art and literature especially in relation to contemporary structures of diaspora and of racism in Europe and elsewhere. 3) Different cultural and literary reflections and interventions in relation to contemporary forms of slavery and slavery-like exploitation globally, including both surviving forms of ‘traditional’ slavery and new forms of exploitation generated by a globalized economy.”]
Enduring Materialities of Colonialism (EMoC): temporality, spatiality and memory
See also: Marie Blønd ; Mace Ojala
[Experimental Techno-Humanities and Organizational Services lab (ETHOS) at the IT University of Copenhagen is an experimental space that creates value with IT by exploring data and data landscapes in contemporary society. I joined forces with the lab when creating the Mapping a Colony prototype website.]
[The Ghosts of the Horseshoe I stumbled on when doing research for the Mapping a Colony project. The Ghosts of the Horseshoe is a poetic storytelling praxis that makes use of modern technologies to make the invisible past visible in the present.]
[Historisk Atlas is a collaborative mapping tool in Danish initiated by local and national archives, museums and libraries, but the platform is also open for citizens to share and map their own stories according to geographical coordinates. The site included historical and present day maps and serves as an entry point for a variety of historical subjects and pedagogical purposes.]
See also: Kristin Veel ; Marie Blønd ; Mace Ojala ; Nanna Bonde Thylstrup
[Mapping a Colony is a digital humanities collaboration exploring how to make Danish digital and colonial heritage available to an international crowd, and not least how to initiate a dialogue about colonial history between residents of former colonial power centers and peripheries. The project is currently dormant but a phase II has been sketched which entails the production of a smartphone app.]
[Mapping Slavery was one of the initial inspirations for Mapping a Colony. Here colonial storytelling unfolds using digital maps centering on various locations in the Netherlands. Mapping Slavery is a public history project that focuses on the Dutch history of slavery and its intersections of the past and the material. The project was initiated in 2013 at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam by Dr. Dienke Hondius and is currently led by Nancy Jouwe. The group behind the project has also produced city tour guides in book form.]
[Sensorium Journal, which I co-edit, is a journal for everyone looking for new perspectives within the entangled histories of literature, media and art; researchers and artists trying to draw attention to forgotten media practices; or artists and researchers interested in how media technologies are at work in historical and contemporary configurations.]
[A great resource for understanding the impact of the Trans-Atlantic slave voyages. As they present themselves: “The Trans-Atlantic and Intra-American slave trade databases are the culmination of several decades of independent and collaborative research by scholars drawing upon data in libraries and archives around the Atlantic world. The new Voyages website itself is the product of three years of development by a multi-disciplinary team of historians, librarians, curriculum specialists, cartographers, computer programmers, and web designers, in consultation with scholars of the slave trade from universities in Europe, Africa, South America, and North America.”]
See also: Kaiama Glover
[A platform which houses Small Axe, sx salon, sx visualities, and sx archipelagos. Each is distinct in the objects they focus on or the media they deploy; but they are all effectively the overlapping idioms of one interconnected and reflexive project, which, in their own words, “seeks to deepen the critical conversation about the mentalities and sensibilities and practices that constitute our Caribbean intellectual and cultural traditions.”]
[My research is co-financed by The Seed Box, an Environmental Humanities collaboratory housed at Linköping Univeristy. The Seed Box performs environmental humanities research and creative activities related to pressing environmental problems, across the nature-culture divide.]
See also: Daniela Agostinho ; Kristin Veel
[The Uncertain Archives research group originates at the Department of Arts and Cultural Studies, University of Copenhagen, funded by a grant by the Danish Research Council (YDUN), but has since extended its scope and can today be regarded as a collective of researchers that form a research hub which brings together a number of scholars and artists based at different institutions in Denmark and abroad dedicated to thinking critically about the unknowns, the errors and the vulnerabilities of archives in an age of datafication. UA was an integral part of the Mapping a Colony collaboration.